The Climate Champions Program
What is the Climate Champion Program?
The Climate Champions Program pairs community-based organizations with a Climate Champion Intern who will implement a project that will help the organization adapt to the impacts of climate change. This program was created in response to perspectives shared during the community engagement process for the City's climate adaptation strategy called "Climate Ready Oʻahu." It is jointly hosted by the six community-based organizations listed below and the City and County of Honolulu’s Office of Climate Change, Sustainability and Resiliency.
The City was awarded a $1 million dollar grant from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Justice Government-to-Government Grant to continue this program through 2026.
The 2024 program is underway! We are excited to see the Champions’ projects develop over the summer and increase their communities' climate resilience capacity. Follow the Resilience Office for program updates.
2024 Partners & Project Discriptions
2024 Climate Champion Cohort
Honuʻāina Nichols
Mālama Loko Ea Foundation
Keʻalaʻiliahi Ford
Mālama Learning Center
Kinson Eria
Trees for Honolulu’s Future
Sherry Cassetta
Trees for Honolulu’s Future
Ashley Bare
Hawaiʻi Wildfire Management Organization
Cherina Lave
MAʻO Organic Farms
Ash Obrero
KEY Project
2023 Climate Champion Pilot Cohort
The Climate Champions Program was successfully piloted during the summer of 2023 in partnership with five community-based organizations. These organizations provided space and support for Climate Champions to implement climate adaptation projects that advance both the organization's mission and implementation of aspects of Climate Ready Oʻahu. Check out the video for an overview of the pilot program.
How to Apply: Applications for the 2025 cohort will open in the Spring of 2025.