Climate Ready Games

Talking to your ʻohana about climate change impacts can be overwhelming. The Resilience Office created two award-winning Climate Ready games that make these important conversations easier—and fun! The games showcase actions individuals and communities can take to adapt to heat and sea-level rise, and inspire discussions on challenges, trade-offs, community needs and assets, and the importance of collective adaptation efforts. Originally developed as a tool for the Climate Ready Oʻahu adaptation strategy, the games can be played with students, ʻohana, friends or community groups. Download the materials below to play "Are your Heat Ready?” and "Are you Sea-Level Wise?” today! Tag us on social media with your final gameboard @resilientoahu.

Are You Heat Ready? Game

In this game, players experience increasing heat over three decades . Each decade, players take adaptation actions in an effort to stay out of the “danger zone” that represents increasing temperatures. Can you beat the heat?

Are You Sea-Level Wise? Game

In this game, climate change in the form of rising sea-levels unfolds over six decades. Each decade, players take adaptation actions in an effort to move mauka (inland) as sea-level rise and coastal erosion impact the ability to live on the beach.

Keiki Materials